CRM Tailor Template: Streamlining Customer Relationship Management

This is a customizable basic CRM (customer relationship management) template developed in the Tailor Platform.

With a few steps, you can deploy a headless CRM application with GraphQL endpoints such as the followings but not limited to:

  • Leads data
  • Accounts data
  • Engagement histories
  • Manage historical records of past customer engagements
Cover 95% of Salesforce Service Cloud data model


This template covers basic features of CRM.

  • Create, Read, Update and Delete for each model. Those are Lead, Account, Engagement etc. For more details, please refer to the repo
  • Filter your lead data by stage.
  • Text search for your lead’s company name.
  • Manage historical records of past customer engagements.

How Tailor Templates Work

Deploy a Tailor Template in just one minute and customize it effortlessly.

For more details, please take a look at the developer documentation.

Expand Functionality: Optional Add-On Templates

These additional templates can be plugged into your CRM to enhance the functionality. Each templates can also be used independently as a standalone application as well.

Build Your Tailor-Made Business App Today

With Tailor Platform, you can build powerful, custom business apps that meet your unique needs in just three easy steps. Start building your apps today and experience the benefits of a fully customizable headless ERP.